For all of us, creating a supportive, nurturing environment that enriches our children’s futures is a top priority. Not many endeavors can do this as easily, extensively and sustainably as a full-scale theatrical arts program.
In 2015, Herbert Hoover Middle School invited Theatre Director Patricia Groisser to re-energize our theatre program. Under her leadership, we’ve boasted 100% sold-out shows and a year-over-year increase in student participation. This means that more students than ever are building confidence;
boosting public speaking, creative and collaboration skills; and are being exposed to choreography, music, stage management, technology and more.
Not to mention the benefits beyond our school’s halls. Community members of all ages come together for a family-friendly event that promotes the safe, communal aspect we love.
Excited to embark on our 10-year Anniversary production with The Sound of Music. We are proud that our program is thriving and continuing to grow. We welcome students and families to join us for an unforgettable experience of team-building, creativity, responsibility and friendship!

Artistic Director
Set & Technical Design Emeritus

Stage Manager